Saturday, January 3, 2009


Talk about on the same page… the bald headed man (Gabe) (he’ll hate that) wrote a blog about New Years day. I had planned a blog on the same subject. I mean, what’s all the fuss. A new year happens every day.

How much energy and cost goes into celebrating THAT day. God gives us a new day every morning. His mercies are new every morning. The past is behind us every morning.
Perhaps New Years day is a good day to think of Gods providence… but what day isn’t.

It surely is a good day to be thankful for His goodness …no… that’s Thanksgiving day isn’t it.

I suppose it’s good to have days marked on the calendar to remind folks to remember Gods goodness… but do we?

New years eve; I bought a few fireworks for the kids, we ate party foods, I went to bed bout 8:45 thankful as always.

1 comment:

Luke said...

Bravo dad Good point. so now we have days of the year and blogs to remind us to give thanks to God.