Saturday, January 10, 2009


My three dots (…). Three dots have a specific place in proper punctuation. They mean something has been left out that was not necessarily needed to convey the thought, but had to be recognized as being there (briefly). This is often used when quoting a source but only drawing attention to the content including pertinent information.

MY THREE DOTS …are for meditation. They are when I take a little stroll into my mind to think deeper into the subject than I am sharing with you. It is an invitation for YOU to think beyond my written words into those things that are closer to you. Take a long stroll. Take a long stroll. Look back into your life when this subject touched you. Look forward to when it may. Dwell there… (I’ve given you three whole dots worth of time to stay) then move on with me.

MY THREE DOTS … are a sigh… a sadness…a journey… a madness… You never really know, but it’s always an invitation to walk down my pipeline with me…. (My pipeline? That’s another story.)


Justin The Bald Guy said...

Yes! I always wondered where I got the three dots from. I use them all the time. Mine are indicitive of a slight forward tilt of the head and little "hmm?" Or sometimes mine are the result of my attention deficit not wanting to end the thought, and saving it for some later addition...cause I really dont like periods. I don't like ending a thought until Im good and ready, so I use three dots alot.

Bekah said...

thats so cool. I have noticed that in your writting and I actually do the same thing. Usually when I'm writting with lots of passion or emotion about something and sometimes a silence is the only way to convey the deepness of thought or emotion. I had some of my stuff on a writters wewbsite to be critiqued and alot of people asked me why my punctuation was so, "dotty"...oh well, maybe not punctually correct but, it works...